Jul 26, 2010 21:45:48 GMT -7
Post by Icestar on Jul 26, 2010 21:45:48 GMT -7
In order to roleplay or reply to ANYTHING, you must first create a successful character (one that's been accepted). In order to do this, you must fill out this form and fill it out PROPERLY.
[size=6][i]>>CHARACTER NAME<<[/i][/size] [size=5][i]Gender, Age in Moons[/i][/size] [size=4][i]Allegiance & Rank[/i][/size]
[size=3][right][u].x.quick description.x.[/u][/size][/right] [blockquote]only about a sentence or two. But please make it a bit detailed.[/blockquote]
[right][size=3][u].x.personality.x.[/u][/size][/right] [blockquote]At least 2 paragraphs long[/blockquote]
[right][size=3][u].x.history.x.[/u][/size][/right] [blockquote]Must be a paragraph long for each rank. A kit, one paragraph, an apprentice two, etc.[/blockquote]
[right][size=3][u].x.roleplay sample.x.[/u][/size][/right] [blockquote]must be 200 words long AT LEAST[/blockquote]
[right][size=3][u].x.password.x.[/u][/size][/right] [blockquote]Found in the Roleplaying rules[/blockquote]